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Online Registration

Check Out below some of the great Programs FSC is now offering!

Click on any of the flyers to register.

Who needs to pay the Out of District fee and if so why?

You must pay the OOD fee if your child is not registered in the Farmingdale School District. This is required because a portion of the insurance covering the players as well as a portion of our funding comes from Farmingdale Youth Council. This helps keep the costs to our community youth sports lower.  This fee would apply to those who do not live in the Farmingdale District or they do live in the Farmingdale district but their child is not yet registered in the Farmingdale School District Census.  This typically occurs because they have not entered school yet. (This happens more often to those who are 5yrs old or younger) The questionnaire below will simplify if you need to pay the OOD Fee.

  1. Does your child presently attend Farmingdale Schools?

       Yes- You do not need to pay OOD fee.

       No- Go to question 2

  1. Do you live in the Farmingdale School District?

Yes- Go to question 3

No- You must pay OOD fee.

  1. Have you registered your child with the Farmingdale School District yet?

 Yes- You do not have to pay the OOD fee.

 No-  You must pay the OOD fee. You can avoid this fee by registering your child now before the soccer season starts. (Please see below on instructions to register your child with Farmingdale School District.  This can be done any time after they are born. You do not need to wait until they are about to start school)

Any further questions or instruction needs, please visit the Farmingdale School District website by clicking on the link below.

If you are looking for a program that does not currently exist, please send us an email at